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Showing posts from June, 2016

Signs of True Love - 12 Signs you are in love

Being in love is most pleasing moment in life. finding signs of a true love from the man you love means a lot to everyone. You can read his / her secret signs, if he / she loves you or not. True love happens rarely. So it's always been hard to everyone find true love. What is True love? The purest form of love, like a fairy tale. It's like a mystery. The deep ocean. The color of rose. The origin of universe. Meaning of true love couldn't be defined into any boundary. For me, its the soul love appearing in real world. Its like the air, can't see but it feels. The feeling which makes our life worth. Am I in Love? how do you know you're in love? The love is everything. Love give the reason to existence to life. The world is always bounded by the chain of love. Love is the never made, it comes it self There is not any criteria of symptoms of falling in love. But everyone could know how it feels when you're in love. when you are in love, you lose yoursel